
Monday, August 23, 2010

Amazing how the times have changed

Lately I have been watching some older shows, Bewitched, Alf, Doogie Hoosier, M.D., etc. These shows are reminiscent of days gone by, and of ideals that use to be popular, but are no more. What truly amazes me most though, is in the show Bewitched. I have always loved Bewitched, and as a child I had always wished I was a witch so that I could travel the world but not actually have to do any traveling. I loved going places, I just hated the trip. Anyway, I found Bewitched on HULU.COM, and I have been watching the episodes in order, from season 1, episode 1. Although I have seen many, many episodes, I never really realized, Larry Tate is the biggest jerk of all! I always knew that he treated Darrin like dirt, he'd fire Darrin, only to rehire him and take the credit for Darrin's (aka Samantha's) ideas. I knew this. What I didn't know, is that in several episodes Larry completely encourages Darrin to have affairs. There is an episode that I watched today, titled, That was my wife, where Sam and Darrin decide to spice up their marriage by spending the weekend at a hotel. As Sam was leaving the house she decided to put on a wig. In the mean time, Larry tried to get Darrin to work late, and Darrin claims to have an appointment. As chance would have it, Larry ended up seeing Sam and Darrin meet at the hotel, but since Sam's wearing a wig, he doesn't realize that it is Sam meeting Darrin, and his comment about the scene is, "you sly dog you!" I mean SERIOUSLY! It just amazes me that to me, this show is promoting married couples to not uphold their vows! And this was not the first episode where Larry was either tempted, or attempted to cheat either. Yes, Darrin never did anything wrong, and honored his wedding vows, but Larry was all for stepping out on his wife. It just makes me sad for the women of that time.

Unfortunately, I know how the men of this era thought. I remember my dad telling stories about the men he knew, and how most, if not all didn't respect their wives enough to keep their "business" to themselves. I know in someways, the times havent' changed. There are still men around that couldn't care about anyone besides themselves, and would cheat on their wife or girlfriend in a heartbeat, but I also know that, thankfully, there are still a few good men left that a woman can trust and depend on.

Thank you honorable men!

New to read

Have you ever read a book that has left such an impression on you, that you can't think of anything else? I have. This has happened to me, with the popular adventure series titled "Tennis shoes among the Nephites". I have enjoyed readign and rereading these books for 10-15 years. Check out my review of book 1 on my page "Books that keep me sane".


Boy was I wrong!

This is the first time that I've created a blog of this porpotion...I think I actually might have taken on too big a task, but hey, at the moment, I have nothing better to do, so it's all good. :-). I was advised that I should keep this page updated with info on the pages that I have updated... wow, what a concept! LOL. Wish I had thought of that. I was just going to use my homepage as a ramble page for any additional thought I had, and guess what... I wasn't really having any thoughts to put here, so it has sat mostly untouched since I created it. So, with that said, I am going to do as I was requested... I'm going to update my homepage with information on updates on the other pages. So my first thought on how to best do that is to just start with the updates I've created today.

Cooking Made Easy - Vanishing Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
                                  Potato's and Egg Sandwich
                                  Cooking for Dummies!

                                  And the winner is a pizza casserole!

                                  Tatertot Casserol
Kid Issues -               What to do when they just won't potty train!
                                  Update on Sleep Issues
                                  I thought it was suppose to get better!!!
Travel IS Fun!!! -       "Are we there yet????"
                                  The joy's of traveling
Money Matters -        10 Tips to Help You Save $1,000 By Christmas
Crafting for Fun -        Time To Craft!
Shopping Made Easy - The Saturday Score
                                     Walmart specials
                                    What to do for bug bites
                                    It's that time again!
Music For All Times -  Adam Lambert
                                   Selena Gomez
Movie Time -              Angels in the Outfield - (1994)
                                  Angels in the Outfield Pop Quiz Answer
Books That Keep Me Sane - Of Witches and Warlocks: The Series
                                  Where to start????

Ok, so I think that's about it. lol. From now on, when I update a page, I will also update my homepage and make sure everyone knows which pages have been updated.

Thanks for all your support! Please bare with me during this learning time. We will get through it!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Possible new job

After a year and a half, of not working, and not even getting job interviews, I have a job interview tomorrow. I'm excited, but I'm also scared. What if I don't get it? What if I this job doesn't pay enough. What if.... These questions and more are tumbling around in my head. What to wear... How shall I fix my hair. How shall I do my make up. I'm not too worried, about my hair/outfit/makeup, I'm just worried that I am going to get my hopes up and then have them dashed again with no job. It's now 8:33 pm, and I'm waiting for my two year old to go to sleep, so I can go to sleep. Of course she's picking tonight not to cooperate. figures. Even if I don't get to bed until 10 (please say it won't be so) I will still get a full 8 hours sleep. I've just been running on low sleep for the last few weeks, and it really has caught up to me.

So if I am not making any sense, well, that would be why. Good night folks.

Monday, August 9, 2010

It feels G-R-E-A-T!

Now that I have figured out all the little tweeks on this site, my blog is up and running, and I'm having the time of my life! I'm enjoying having something to do with my time, besides watching my butt get bigger. lol. Wait, maybe I am watching my butt get bigger since I'm sitting on it a lot typing. Oh well. That just means that there is more to love of me... right? RIGHT? I hope so. I tried to add snippets on each page telling about my thoughts for the page and what to expect, but well, some pages just said, "NOW... DO IT NOW! I want the info NOW!" Man, and I thought my kids were demanding! lol. I hope you all enjoy reading and I hope I have helped someone out with with finding a great book or music, or even finding a great recipe for your next meal.

Happy "trails" everyone!

Going Insane!!!

I attempted to start this blog several weeks ago, and I have had a difficult time with getting the stupid thing to look and work the way I want it to. Apparently you have to be smarter than the site, and thankfully through a lucky whoops, I was able to get my site to cooperate the way I want! So, we are now in business. I hope you enjoy reading and contributing to the site.

And for all you parents, both married and single, moms and dads, hang in there! The help is on the way!