
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December Reflections

The year is almost over. Many of my New Year's Resolutions for 2010 did not happen, but some did. I made a resolution that I was going to lose weight, which I did. I lost 30 lbs, and I was feeling wonderful! That's the good news. The bad news, yeah, I gained 20 of it back in 3 months. But, I did it. That's the important part! I know I can do it, and I am going to do it. I also made a goal of finishing reading the old testiment before the year ended. yeah, that one didn't happen. I did get quite a bit read, and will continue reading, but my goal didn't happen.

These are just a couple of resolutions I had made. Of course I will be making new resolutions for the New year, but I think this time, I'm going to actually post my progress to help keep me motivated... who knows, it might just help! :) As I think of all that I want to accomplish in the new year, I wanted to add blogging back into my list of to-do items. I love blogging and really enjoy the freedom I get by sharing my opinions and experiences with others (even if no one else reads this.)

So with that Resolution in mind, I have decided to start this resolution early and have updated my blog on several different pages.

Check it out:
"Cooking made easy" where I've reviewed homemade Orange Chicken.
"Crafting for Fun" I have put the directions for a very fun little fur purse that is sure to be a big hit for little girls and big girls alike (can even coordinate a mom/daughter purse if it's wanted.). These purses are for sale if anyone is interested. Contact me for more details.
"Music for all times" where after years of searching, I finally found the song Simon Peter (follow me) written by Wanda Lindstrom. The lyrics and music are posted.

I thank everyone that has been a supporter, and happy reading!