
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Lightning Bolt Block

"Never be ashamed of a scar, it simply means you were stronger than what tried to hurt you" 
~ Unknown

In the wizarding world, there is one, who defied all the odds, one that was protected from some of the most powerful magic imaginable by his mother's love, who survived when no one else did, who was the chosen one... his name is Harry Potter. After an attack by a very powerful wizard, he was left with a very identifiable mark, a lightning bolt scar. In my afghan I am choosing to include this scar and I am sharing the pattern. There are two sizes of block patterns, a 30x30 block and a 25x25 block. The pattern includes a graph for both sizes, along with written instructions for both blocks for those that do not like to use the graph. I would love to see your work.