
Saturday, November 11, 2017

Someday my Prince will come

Some day my prince will come. Some day we'll meet again. And away to his castle we'll go to be happy forever I know." — Snow White ("Some Day My Prince Will Come"

Every Princess needs to remember, her prince will come, maybe today, maybe tomorrow. No matter what, do not forget, he will come. This block is special to me because in my life, I thought my prince would have come a very long time ago, but instead, he arrived, when I needed him most, just a short year and a half ago. My prince truly did come.

Get the FREE pattern HERE!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Evil Queen Ravenna

"Queen Ravenna: You were the only one who could break the spell and destroy me, and the only one pure enough to save me. "

She is evil, talks to mirrors, and can turn herself into a hag, that's right, it's the Evil Queen Ravenna. I actually never knew her name until I started researching for this graph. haha. She is now ready to be added to the afghan, and watch out, she may just put you in a forever sleep....

Get the FREE pattern HERE!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Sneezy Dwarf

"Grumpy: Ya crazy fool! Fine time ya picked to sneeze! 
Sneezy: I couldn't help it. I can't tell. When you gotta, you gotta. "

Are you *Ah Choo* someone who *Ah Choo* suffers *Choo...Choo* from severe allergies? Well if so, then you should be able to empathize with poor Sneezy.  He is ready to be added to your afghan, if he can only stop sneezing!

Get the FREE pattern HERE

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Snow White And Prince Charming

"Want to know a secret? Promise not to tell? We are standing by a wishing well.  Make a wish into the well. That's all you have to do. And if you hear it echoing, your wish will soon come true." 
~ Snow White 

Have you ever stood by a wishing well, or wished upon a star? I know I have. Did you also dream of finding your own Prince Charming? We'll have no fear, you can have your own Snow White and Prince Charming. This graph is 80x100 blocks. It is the first of 11 blocks in the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs afghan. Make this panel alone or add all of Snow's friends for an amazing blanket to snuggle under.

Find the FREE graph pattern HERE