
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Purses for Everyone!

Crocheting has always been one of my favorite past times. In a moment of despair, I decided to surf the web to see if I could find a pattern that would be fun and easy to make. I came upon a purse. Yes, that's right. A woman's necessary accessory. Now this particular purse was not for a woman, but was actually designed for a child. It is a fur purse. Here's a picture.

(isn't the model adorable?) I have changed the pattern some to accomodate my needs, but the design is still basically the same. I will later add pictures so it's not quite as confusing.

Hooks needed Size I and Size F.

1 skein Main color (MC) yarn (in this case lavendar)
1 skein coordinating fun fur yarn (violet)

With size I hook, holding 2 strands of MC tog, ch 21. (right side)
Rnd 1: 2 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each rem ch across to last ch. 4 sc in last ch, working on opposited side of foundation ch, sc in each ch across, ending with 2 sc in same chain as beg sc's, join (44 sc).
Rnd 2: Ch 1 2 sc in joining stitch, sc in next 22 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in 22 sc, 2 sc in last stitch, join. (52 sc)
Rnd 3 - 18: Ch 1, sc in each sc, join. At the end of Rnd 18, finish off.

Holding base of purse towards you, join 2 strands of fur in any front lp from rnd 18. (wrong side)
Rnd 1: sc  in each lp around and join. (52 sc).
Rnd 2-5: sc in each sc around. join. At the end of rnd 5, finish off leaving a very long tail. You should have all 18 rnds of MC showing and 5 rnds of fur above the mc. "fold" fur down so the backside of your work is now laying on top of the mc. using the strands from the finishing tail sew rnd 5 of fur to rnd 13 of MC.

Handle (clutch type): (If you want a longer strap just make the beg chain longer.)
flatten purse and attach 1 strand each of MC and fur in center sc at edge of purse. ch 40 and join with sl st at opposite center edge. sl st in next stitch turn. skip sl st and sc in each ch back across purse. sl st to join and finish off.

Purse clasp:
with 1 strand each MC and fur and size I hook, attach yarns in center sc back lp at back of purse, ch 1, sc in same st, ch 30, sl st in sm sc, fasten off.

Rnd 1:  With size F hook and mc, ch 4, sl st to join to form ring. ch 1, 10 sc in ring, join in beg sc.
Rnd 2:  Ch 3, 2 dc in same sc as beg ch-3, ch 3 sl in same sc, sc in next sc *(ch 3, 2 dc, ch 3, sl st) in next sc sc in next sc rep from * around, join with sl st in base of ch-3, fasten off (5 petals).
sew flower to center front of purse over rnd 10.

That's it. Each 7 oz skien of yarn will be enough to make 3 purses, each skien of fun fur is enough to do 2 purses.

I have sold several of these purses. I hope you enjoy them! I know my friends and family sure have. At the moment I am working on a new style of purses, and hope to have them on my new site soon.

Happy crocheting!

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