
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Get the Salt ~ Block 11

"Don't trust everything you see, even salt looks like sugar but if you make this mistake you will quickly realize your error once you take a taste" ~ unknown

Salt was one of the purest substances. Salt is used to preserve, and purify which is why it is used in paranormal lore to protect. Supernatural is not the first, nor will it be the last show to use salt in a ring for protection. The movie Hocus Pocus also says to form a ring of salt for protection. If both shows say it is true... if you hear something that goes bump in the night, don't be afraid to get the salt... you might need it.

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Apple Pie - Block 10

"Good apples are a considerable part of our domestic happiness" ~ Jane Austen

Make you hungry? Yeah, me too. One thing that is mentioned or shown in almost every episode of Supernatural is pie...Apple pie. When the boys are researching they need pie. When they are troubled, they need pie. If they do not feel good, they need pie...Pie is an important cure-all. So go get you an apple pie and make your day better.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Dean Winchester - Block 9

"Life itself is worth living for. If you're not living that life you want, you fight for that life" ~ Jensen Ackles
Dean Winchester, the oldest son of John and Mary Winchester. He became a surrogate father to his little brother, Sam after his mother's death. John was so obsessed with finding the demon that killed Mary that he often left the Winchester boys alone and as such, Dean developed an overwhelming urge to protect Sam, even to the point of literally going to Hell or selling his soul to protect Sam. For Dean, family means more than anything else, even saving the world. Dean and Sam had the opportunity to close the Gates of Hell but closing those gate would have killed Sam and Dean stopped the process at the last minute. In Dean's mind, protecting Sam is his 1st and foremost job, even if that protection means deceiving Sam. Dean lives by the simple rule, Save people, hunt things, eat pie, and protect the family.

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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Zeppelin Rulez ~ Block 8

"Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run there's still time to change the road you're on" ~ Zeppelin

One of Dean's big trademarks is his love of music, and not just any music, but hard rock. At the beginning of the series, the Winchesters were helping out a family with a little boy. As Dean was leaving the boy, he says, "And don't forget Zeppelin Rulez!" I just knew that had to be a part of this afghan. After doing some research, I love the quote above, because it is also one of the major themes in the series. The Winchesters are constantly given two separate paths to choose from, and often they have to leave the road they are on to follow a different path which gives them different consequences. So just remember, if you don't like the path you have taken, change it... and ZEPPELIN RULEZ!

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Harry Potter Graphs

So with my life as hectic as it is, I'm not exactly sure when I will have the chance to put the rest of my harry potter graphs into patterns, so I have decided to just share the graphs as is, and when I get a chance to make the patterns pretty and such I will go ahead and update. So I hope this helps those that have been anxiously awaiting my graphs. Each of these graphs are 30x30 and the row counts are set up for corner to corner.

 "Crookshanks" Block

Luna Lovegood Block
 Potion Block
 Ring Block
Ron Weasley Block
 Wormtail Block
 Severus Snape Block
Sirius Black Block
 S.P.E.W. Block
 Sword of Griffindor Block
 Time Turner Block
 Voldemort Block
 "Wizards Chess" Block

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Bobby Singer ~ Block 7

"Family don't end with blood" ~ Bobby Singer

There are not a lot of people in this world that can truly love another person's child as their own. Bobby Singer is once such individual. With John Winchester constantly on the move searching for the demon with yellow eyes that killed his wife, Bobby Singer took on the role of a father figure to the young Winchester boys. They would spend a lot of time with him, he taught them everything. He laughed with the boys, did research for Sam and Dean when they needed help, and loved them dearly. He wasn't afraid to scold Sam and Dean when they needed it, or protect them when it was necessary. He even delayed going to heaven when he died so he could continue to help the boys in their quest to save the world from the latest evil. Bobby was truly an amazing man.

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