
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Zeppelin Rulez ~ Block 8

"Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run there's still time to change the road you're on" ~ Zeppelin

One of Dean's big trademarks is his love of music, and not just any music, but hard rock. At the beginning of the series, the Winchesters were helping out a family with a little boy. As Dean was leaving the boy, he says, "And don't forget Zeppelin Rulez!" I just knew that had to be a part of this afghan. After doing some research, I love the quote above, because it is also one of the major themes in the series. The Winchesters are constantly given two separate paths to choose from, and often they have to leave the road they are on to follow a different path which gives them different consequences. So just remember, if you don't like the path you have taken, change it... and ZEPPELIN RULEZ!

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