Monday, October 15, 2018


"Geppetto: Everybody has to sleep. Figaro goes to sleep - and cleo - and besides, tomorrow, you've got to go to school.
Pinocchio: Why?
Geppetto: Oh, to learn things and get smart.
Pinocchio: Why?
Geppetto: [Starts to fall asleep] Because.
Pinocchio: Oh."

As a parent it can often be exhausting teaching our children all they need to know, and answering all of the incessant "why" questions. Thankfully, Ms. Cleo here never asks why, she just swims in her bowl, and sleeps in her castle. She truly is a beauty. Add her to your pinocchio afghan today! This block is 80x84 blocks. Depending on the type of stitch she can be her very own afghan if you want.

Get the FREE pattern HERE!!!

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