Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Growing up I use to sneak into my mom and dad's bedroom so I could read my mom's journal. I loved reading it because she started it when I was a baby. My mom wasn't as consistant as she would have liked so many of the opening lines were along the lines of "it's been a while since I've written, here's what's happened." As a young stupid child I thought that was giggle worthy. I mean, how hard could it be to find time each day to write? HA! Yup, I was young and stupid. It's hard being an adult and even harder being a parent and if you haven't gotten into the habit of daily writing as a child, it's even harder to find those few minutes to spare. Tonight I think I made a pretty good dent on catching up on my writing. I've updated most of my blog pages, and I'm kind of excited about it. Here's a list of the updated pages:

The fitter mom
Music for all times
Cooking for everyone
Books I love to Read

I don't really watch too many movies anymore so I haven't updated that, but I will... Promise.

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