Jim Hawkins has a bad attitude. What's more, he enjoys having a bad attitude about everything -- especially about church.
That statement, taken for granted before, would soon echo deeply in the two boys' minds -- because they were on the trail of a chilling secret. At the root of this secret was a faded Indian legend that old men told children to make their eyes grow big. As Garth and Jim put the pieces of the puzzle together, they accidentally stumble upon a mysterious passageway hurling them into another world--an ancient American world.
Join Jim, Garth, and Jim's pesky little sister, Jennifer, as they journey in a land where the names Helaman, Teancum, and Captain Moroni are more than just words on a page. A world where danger and suspense are a way of life...
Tennis Shoes among the Nephites first entered the modern world in 1989. I believe that might have been the year that my mother first purchased the book for me, maybe not. It might have been a few years later, but not much. I was completely and utterly hooked on the book. This book had it all, adventure, romance, suspense, thrill, plus a few more characteristics that I cannot remember at the moment. I devoured this book the moment I read it. When I would read the book of Alma, in the Book of Mormon, I was actually able to understand, and really understand what was going on. Before, I first read this book, Alma was just a book of words. After I read this book, Almabecame an adventure. The Title of Liberty that Captain Moroni posted actually meant something. Amalakiah, was a real evil dude. The Prophet Helaman was a kind and loving man, who was so righteous that he was allowed to lead some of the most honorable men that has ever lived. Everything really made sense.
As new additions to the series became published, I flocked to the bookstores to purchase them. I loved each book, and would re-read them over and over. I cherished these books, hoping to one day be able to read them to my children. Then all my books became lost when I moved from Laughlin, NV to Las Vegas, NV. It was a very sad day. I forgot about reading for about 3-4 years, and one of the first books that I purchased again, was...yup, that's right, you guessed it, The Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites, Book 1. I bought this book as a Christmas present for my son, but, well, I had it read long before Christmas ever arrived. I couldn't wait to re-read this wonderful book again, and relive the scenes. As I would finish each book, I would hurry to buy the next. Sometimes finding great deals on Amazon.com, or Borders, but if I was just a few pages from the end and not willing to wait a few days to start the next installment, I'd just go rush to pick up the next book at our local bookstore, Bookworms, here in Thatcher, AZ.
I cannot stress how wonderful these books really are, and if I ever get a chance to sit with the author, Chris Heimerdinger, and pick his brain about the how's, why's, when's, where's and who's of writing these books, I'll be forever grateful!
Thank you Chris for a wonderful series!

Garth Plimpton is a fanatic. He's spent so much time studying the scriptures and thick books on archeology that he can't carry on a normal conversation with other kids. That's why they consider him a nerd.
Through an unusual chain of events, these two opposites become fast friends. It all began when Garth told Jim a simple truth:
"They really existed once, you know."
"Who?" Jim asked.
"Nephites," Garth replied. "Every character in the Book of Mormon ate, slept, died, was buried..."
Join Jim, Garth, and Jim's pesky little sister, Jennifer, as they journey in a land where the names Helaman, Teancum, and Captain Moroni are more than just words on a page. A world where danger and suspense are a way of life...
Tennis Shoes among the Nephites first entered the modern world in 1989. I believe that might have been the year that my mother first purchased the book for me, maybe not. It might have been a few years later, but not much. I was completely and utterly hooked on the book. This book had it all, adventure, romance, suspense, thrill, plus a few more characteristics that I cannot remember at the moment. I devoured this book the moment I read it. When I would read the book of Alma, in the Book of Mormon, I was actually able to understand, and really understand what was going on. Before, I first read this book, Alma was just a book of words. After I read this book, Almabecame an adventure. The Title of Liberty that Captain Moroni posted actually meant something. Amalakiah, was a real evil dude. The Prophet Helaman was a kind and loving man, who was so righteous that he was allowed to lead some of the most honorable men that has ever lived. Everything really made sense.
As new additions to the series became published, I flocked to the bookstores to purchase them. I loved each book, and would re-read them over and over. I cherished these books, hoping to one day be able to read them to my children. Then all my books became lost when I moved from Laughlin, NV to Las Vegas, NV. It was a very sad day. I forgot about reading for about 3-4 years, and one of the first books that I purchased again, was...yup, that's right, you guessed it, The Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites, Book 1. I bought this book as a Christmas present for my son, but, well, I had it read long before Christmas ever arrived. I couldn't wait to re-read this wonderful book again, and relive the scenes. As I would finish each book, I would hurry to buy the next. Sometimes finding great deals on Amazon.com, or Borders, but if I was just a few pages from the end and not willing to wait a few days to start the next installment, I'd just go rush to pick up the next book at our local bookstore, Bookworms, here in Thatcher, AZ.
I cannot stress how wonderful these books really are, and if I ever get a chance to sit with the author, Chris Heimerdinger, and pick his brain about the how's, why's, when's, where's and who's of writing these books, I'll be forever grateful!
Thank you Chris for a wonderful series!
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