Sunday, June 16, 2013

Mountains of Books

I'm in deep trouble. Today I decided to try to find a few new books to put on my ipod (kindle app) for my kids. I love to read, but I have decided I really do not like real books. They take too much space, I have to remember to carry it, etc. By having the kindle app on my ipod I can have mounds of books in 1 very small space. I do not mind the smaller screen compared to a real kindle or Ipad/tablet, I'm not a fast reader, so the smaller screen is awesome, and it doesn't bother me in the least that on my ipod there might be 12309172317 pages, where as on a kindle/tablet there's only 1234. I'm ok with this. And besides, I keep my ipod with me 24/7. I watch netflix on it, play video games, watch videos I've downloaded, listen to music, read my subscriptions, etc. so why not read regular books? A friend of mine introduced me to the free books on That was a bad bad thing. I've "purchased" several books before today, but this was the first time that I have gone crazy getting the free books. I love free. :) So right at this moment, I think I have close to 100 books. I guess that's my New Year's resolution... Reading all these books and reviewing them. I hope you enjoy!

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